PSL is a research and development organization that provides unique instrumentation solutions used in scientific research programs all over the world. We have experience with projects at every scale and level of complexity. Our expertise spans the entire engineering process from initial conceptual design, through engineering development, fabrication, testing and calibration, and on-site installation and commissioning.
We are a fee-for-service UW Research Center that works with UW labs and principal investigators, other universities, national labs, international collaborations, and private companies. Some of our capabilities include:
– Deep breadth in mechanical and electrical engineering
– Detailed design, CAD modeling, shop drawings, and technical illustrations
– Full-service machine & electrical shops, prototyping, machining, certified welding, precision assembly and inspection
– On-site installation, commissioning, and operations support
– Ultra-high vacuum, ultra-high purity, and cryogenic expertise
– Machine design, energy systems, structural design
– PCB design/manufacturing, electronics integration, power systems
– Electronics and control systems modeling
– Industrial slow controls, SCADA, and PLC systems
Welcome to PSL where we will help to solve your unique research, development, and prototype needs. We will leverage our expertise to enable your ideas, no matter the scale and complexity. Partnering with PSL means partnering with experience.
IceCube Upgrade
This initiative will deploy 750 advanced photodetectors and calibration devices inside the existing IceCube detector.
Credit: https://icecube.wisc.edu/science/beyond/

In the building formerly known as the Synchrotron Radiation Center, PSL is building the newest neutrino detector for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). Credit: CERN

IceCube Gen2
IceCube-Gen2 is the next-generation extension of IceCube, the cubic-kilometer-scale neutrino detector built at the South Pole.
Credit: https://icecube.wisc.edu/science/beyond/

The UW-Madison Physical Sciences Laboratory is an institution with a long list of services and people suited to solve engineering problems in scientific research around the world.
PSL News and Field Updates
Field Season 1 02-04-2024
Twelve personnel are at Pole as of 26 January: Erik Ejdepalm, Skyler Grulke, Sarah Johnson, Jake Nesbit, Chris Nielsen, Tom Nordin, Dave Pernic, Chana Sinsabvrodom, Kurt Studt, Åse Torgilsson, Paul Wisniewski, and Sam Wolcott. Summary …
Field Season 1 01-21-2024
For a second straight week, the ICU Team made incredible progress. Work on several Mobile Drilling Structures was completed and the buildings were delivered to the Seasonal Equipment Site and the berm. We made up …
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